Please CLICK HERE to download our Pre-arrival information brochure.
On their first morning at P.I.C.E. all students attend an Orientation Program, which provides them with information and advice about the College, living in Perth, visa requirements, travel concessions, opening a bank account and medical insurance. Students have an opportunity to meet each other and key P.IC.E. staff and are taken on a tour of the college and surrounding areas.
On your first morning at school, you will be given a test to help us decide the best class for you. The test includes a grammar test, writing test and an interview which evaluates your speaking and listening skills.
8.45 - 09.00 Introduction and administrative details. Please bring your passport and two passport-size photographs.
9.00 - 10.45 Placement test and interview
10.45 - 11.00 Morning break
11.00 - 12.10 Orientation and local area tour
12.00 - 12.40 LUNCH (Part-time students finish for the day)
12.40 - 01.00 Please go to the library for your test results. You must bring $75 cash so you can purchase your coursebook.
01.00 - 02.30 Your first class